Coming soon: the Georgetown Kroger will undergo a massive renovation to its store, increasing its size from 48,000 to 70,000 square feet. Kroger plans a total re-facing of the exterior (seen above) as well as adding stacked stone touches and tile design to the exterior of the entire shopping complex. Kroger also plans to resurface the parking lot as well as adding many landscape features (yes, this barren parking lot will finally have trees and shrubbery).
As for the interior, Kroger says it will remove the drop ceiling, add skylights and completely renovation flooring and shelving.
Kroger realizes this store is underutilized by Dunwoody neighborhood residents, and is hoping the massive renovations will change that.
Overseeding Your Fescue Lawn
Is now the time to overseed your fescue lawn that, in most cases, is showing signs of massive stress from the summer heat (at least my lawn is - or what's left of my lawn)?

According to Georgia gardening expert
Walter Reeves, optimum air temperatures for tall fescue germination are 68 to 77°F and soil temperatures greater than 60°F. While the forecast calls for high temperatures in the 90's today and tomorrow, expect fall temperatures to sweep the region starting this weekend. According to
Weather.com's forecast, the highs from Sunday through next Thursday will not even reach 80 degrees! Are you ready for the fall?
Kill off that cow-grass Fescue and order up a few pallets of Emerald Zoysia.
Rick - you're right. I'm so darn sick and tired of overseeding. With the new shade tolerant zoyias, I think I can make the transition in the spring. Can I use your expertise???
Nice to see Kroger finally waking up with regards to the Georgetown Kroger.
Now, if they could just do something about those pick-pockets....
To really get a good feel for having the Emerald Zoysia I highly suggest you practice mowing and edging a yard with said grass for one season before installing your own. I know a place over on the west side of Dunwoody where you can practice. Stop by Saturday around 2 PM. I'll have the mower fueled up and some cold Hoegaarden waiting for you when the job is done.
Rick - what a wonderful idea. When can I get started? And a cold Hoegaarden, to boot! Perhaps I can even stick around to watch a little college football afterward?
Bob: Maybe you can start a chapter of Food Not Lawns. See the international chapter list in the right-hand sidebar here: http://www.foodnotlawns.net/ I don't see Dunwoody listed yet. :)
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