Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thumbs Down on T-SPLOST, Thumbs Up on Brookhaven

There will not be a one percent sales tax on Dunwoody residents, or for that matter Atlanta area residents, to pay for transportation projects.  The T-SPLOST vote was defeated soundly on Tuesday, by almost a 2-to-1 margin.  Why did it fail so miserably? 
The reason I voted against it wasn't so much that I didn't want to pay an additional penny to resolve metro traffic issues, but that the tax really didn't solve the major congestion problems.
For years, our legislatures have known that we need a northern arc in the worst possible way.  We need an outer perimeter on the north side, stretching from I-575 near Woodstock to I-85 near Highway 316.  No ands, ifs or buts about it.  It would do wonders to alleviate traffic on I-285.  However, our legislatures know that such a proposal would get major resistance from the folks who live close to any major thoroughfare project.  Our legislatures don't have the stomach to push for it.  If we're going to spent $7.2 billion dollars, that needs to be part of the plan. 

Click T-SPLOST to read more on the T-SPLOST vote.  Click Results to see statewide results.  the T-SPLOST vote was a regional.   Of the 12 regions across the state of Georgia, nine voted against it. 

New City of Brookhaven

The city of Dunwoody will have a new neighbor.  On Tuesday, residents of the Brookhaven area voted to incorporate - congratulations!  It seemed like a no-brainer.  For more on the vote, click Dunwoody Reporter. 
Perhaps the new city of Brookhaven and the city of Dunwoody can get together and form a fire department.  Dunwoody city council is looking into the possibility of starting its own fire department, however the cost might not make sense.  However, splitting the cost between two or three cities may be a way to make it work financially, as well as provide better service than DeKalb County.  Stay tuned.

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