Monday, February 9, 2009

DHA Meets New Principal, Discusses High School Renovations and Billboards

The Dunwoody Homeowners Association was introduced to the principal at the new 4th/5th grade academy during Sunday night's meeting. Jonathan Clark, who's been an assistant principal at Dunwoody High School, says he's not only excited about the challenge of opening up a new school but the opportunity to stay in Dunwoody. Clark said the school is approximately 65 percent complete, and is scheduled to receive its certificate of occupancy in June. If you'd like to help choose the name of the new school and mascot, click here.

Dunwoody High School will be moving forward with its upgrades and expansion, thanks to the $21 million it secured through a recent county bond. The first priority is the HVAC system followed by 24,000 square feet of new classrooms and a 650-seat auditorium that can readily be converted to a theatre. The county initially said it would like the expansion to be vertical (adding a 3rd floor), but is willing to listen to the community on why horizontal might work best. Once a rendering is complete, the DeKalb County School System will present it to the community.

Remember the big uproar in December over a series of applications that were made to DeKalb County for the erection of 9 large billboards inside the city limits of Dunwoody? It's been more than two weeks since the city lifted its moratorium on new zoning requests, and the company that filed with DeKalb County has yet to file with the city of Dunwoody.

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