Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Listing; Link to City of Dunwoody Newsletter

There is a newly listed home in Springfield at 4899 Springfield Dr. The bad news is - it is listed for a paltry $200,000, which won't do anything for neighborhood property values. The good news is - we have the potential to get a great new neighbor that will invest time and money into the dilapidated property, and in the long-run increase the value of the neighborhood. To view the listing - click on the photo below (warning - the pictures are disturbing)!

I'm honored to know that someone at the city of Dunwoody is reading my humble blog! How do I know? I received the email below this morning:

Hi Mr. Fiscella,

Good Morning. Thank you for posting our newsletter to your blog. We had to fix one of the links on our site and now it may not connect from your blog. For your convenience the new link is Again, thank you for your post and if you ever have any questions please let me know.

Thank you,

Edie Damann
Marketing & PR Manager

Edie - thanks so much for passing that along. Keep up the good work!


DunwoodyTalk said...

Bob, That house is what you in the biz call a fixer upper. Nice to see the city is keeping track of renegade bloggers

Bob Fiscella said...

Rick - Fixer upper might be too nice!

If the city is reading my blog, you know they're reading yours!!!