Wednesday, July 25, 2012

T- SPLOST Debate, Return of the Blackberry

The most important item on next Tuesday's ballot is the T-SPLOST referendum.  Do you know what it is?  Or how much it will cost? 
The DHA is holding a T-SPLOST debate/forum 7pm Thursday night at the Perimeter College auditorium. 
Speaking in favor of the T-SPLOST will be Bob Dallas, past Director, Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety and Terry Lawler, Executive Director of the Regional Business Coalition of Metro Atlanta. Speaking in opposition to the T-SPLOST will be Ron Sifen, Past President of the Cobb County Civic Coalition, and Mike Lowry of the Georgia Tea Party.

This forum will be conducted in a Question and Answer format. Questions will be asked by the Moderator, and the parties will alternate their responses. The parties have agreed to the format and time limits of the debate. Audience members may submit questions in writing to the Moderator, Greg Crnkovich, A DHA board member. Program starts at 7:00 PM and ends at 8:30 PM.

The DHA hopes that you will attend to hear both sides of the issue and ask your questions regarding the T-Splost referendum, which is on all ballots for the General Primary Election Tuesday, July 31. For maps and project lists go to:

Phone Woes - Call Me, Maybe

Okay, sometime soon I will relinquish my Blackberry and trade up to an iphone or android.  That day almost happened on Tuesday, as my phone was on the fritz.  The keypad stopped working.  But a funny thing happened on the way to the T-mobile store.  Actually, the funny thing happened IN the T-mobile store.I was bemoaning to the young clerk, who just told me my beloved Blackberry was "fried," the hefty price tag on the new phones.  A Samsung Galaxy S III for $199 upfront, and $20 per month for 20 months! 
As we were discussing the new phones and my options, I casually was tossing my fried Blackberry in the air.  Well, on one of the throws, the phone slipped through my hands, and crashed onto the tiled flooring.  I bent down to pick it up, and guess what?  The keypad was back -working perfectly! 
The moral of the story?  I'll let you know when I figure it out.  In the meantime, I'll keep using my Blackberry.

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