Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Dollars & Cents of Campaigning

Many of you might have read in this week's special election edition of The Dunwoody Crier the amount of money each candidate reported spending on his/her campaign as of Sept. 1. I found it very interesting. Hopefully it is not indicative of how our candidates, if elected, will spend city money as council members (I don't believe it is).
In my particular race, the breakdown is as follows:

Adrian Bonser -$14,865

Larry Pankey - $12,078

Bob Fiscella - $746

You are reading those numbers correctly, there is not a typo. My opponents have outspend me almost 20-to-1! Since September 1, I have spent an additional $500 dollars, but I've still got my work cut out if I expect to pull off a "Rocky" type of upset on election day. As I've stated in the past, my candidacy is truly a grassroots effort. I've been spreading my word via email, phone calls, walking door-to-door and word of mouth. This is why I so desperately need your help to get elected. I hope you agree with my platform and are willing to support me. But I will tell you, I have nothing but admiration for both of my opponents and wish them all the best.

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