Friday was the final day to file the necessary paperwork for candidates wishing to run for Dunwoody City Council (three posts are up for election in November). I was a candidate last year - it was a tremendous experience - but have decided not to run this time around. For those of you that were willing to lend your support, I am humbled. I still firmly believe in the same causes that compelled me to run last year, but feel I can accomplish just as much, and have my voice hear just as loud, as an engaged, active citizen (plus, there are a lot less meetings and time commitment)!
In my humble opinion, the city council has done a fabulous job in year one. The council has worked tirelessly to get the city up-and-running with very few major glitches. And it has managed to do this while staying within, if not under, a tight budget. Yes, I would have done a few things differently (voted against hiring a lobbyist, fought for a smaller police department and hired a company with a proven track record to collect business license taxes), but by and large, I am satisfied with the work of the council. I trust the council will make the right decision concerning our sanitation services (let's keep DeKalb County, if at all possible), and manage to secure our parks (without paying the county more than a token sum).
And hey, if I decide I would be more effective as a member of the council, there's always the 2011 election!
If you read my last post, you know all about the mayor and his issues with his neighbor. Want to know how the residents of Dunwoody feel, and more specifically, the mayor's wife Terri? Go to Councilman
John Heneghan's blogsite, and click on the "comments" at the bottom of Wednesday's post.
By the way, if you were unable to attend Dr. Crawford Lewis' "State of the System" update at Dunwoody High School this past Wednesday, I recorded the meeting (thanks to Councilman Heneghan's audio equipment). John told me he would try to post it on his blogsite on Friday.
Hope you have a fabulous Labor Day Weekend. If you are going to the Dunwoody High football game tonight stop and say 'hey!"