Dear Dunwoody Friends and Neighbors,
First, let me welcome quite a few new recipients to my monthly e-mail update and remind everyone that if you would rather not receive them, just e-mail me at Also let me know if you want to be added to the list or if your e-mail address has changed.
Happy 4th of July! I look forward to seeing many of you at the Dunwoody 4th of July parade.
A number of years ago, when my boys were young, I was trying to convey the importance and meaning of the Declaration of Independence to them and Thomas Jefferson's beautiful 18th century language was getting in the way-so I wrote a more kid-friendly version. Each year we read it as a standard part of our family 4th of July observance and I offer it here for any of you who would like to use it. It is an easy read and helps convey the profound meaning behind the celebration.
Most of you should have gotten your DeKalb County property tax assessments. If you are like me, your assessment went down a very small amount. Since we voted this month to keep our millage rate the same, most Dunwoody homeowners will see their Dunwoody city taxes go down. Since we have been very conservative with our spending, we still expect to end the year with a modest surplus despite the slight overall decrease in property taxes.
This month we finally adopted a long-range parks master plan. Like the transportation plan we adopted last month, it is the result of a lot of community input and it lays out a long range vision for parks and greenspace in Dunwoody. It got somewhat contentious towards the end. The big issue was whether or not to plan baseball fields for Brook Run Park. We had sizable groups petitioning us both ways. In the end we decided to look for another location in Dunwoody for new baseball fields which preserves the back of Brook Run as a more natural area.
The political campaign season for city elections is starting to heat up and I must say I'm surprised and a little disappointed. I'm concerned about two trends I am starting to see. One is an attempt to turn our non-partisan city elections into a Republican vs Democratic election. The other is an attempt by some candidates to turn the proposed parks bond referendum into some sort of City Council Gone Wild issue. It is absolutely appropriate for us to ask residents if they want to fund additional parks infrastructure improvements with additional property taxes-or not. This isn't the City Council deciding to raise your taxes. It is us asking voters what they want. Candidates who are trying to turn this into a battle against Big Government Spending are distorting the issue for personal political gain and I hate to see that happen here in Dunwoody.
Several of us on the City Council attended the annual Georgia Municipal Association conference this past weekend. I completed my seventh UGA class designed for elected officials, this one on Municipal Law. I was impressed by how much we are doing right but I did pick up several interesting nuggets to bring back and follow-up on. I was also struck by the general sense I got from most of the people at the conference that the economy finally seems to be turning around and that most places in Georgia are seeing increased hiring and economic activity.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.
Robert Wittenstein
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Saying GoodBye to an Old Friend
Click on photo above to watch Dr. Sanjay Gupta's special report |
Nick's colleagues remember him |
I don't recall the last time I spoke with Nick, but I do remember our last correspondence. It was an exchange of emails a fews month back. I knew the cancer was getting the better of him, and I tried to send works of encouragement. What I got back was an email that was classic Nick, who's passion for boxing was on center stage one last time. "Hey Fiscella, remember, it's a 15-round bout and I'm still standing with a few rounds to go."
Nick Charles may have run out of rounds, but little doubt he is still standing. And standing tall. Thanks for a 25-year friendship that I won't soon forget.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Councilman Ross Will Not Run for Reelection
Councilman Danny Ross, who played a large role in the start-up of the city of Dunwoody, announced today that he will not run for reelection. Danny, 71, said he never planned to stay beyond his first term, and looks forward to spending more time with his family. Danny has been an invaluable member of the council. Click on Danny Ross' statement to read more.
Many have asked, and some have assumed, that I will run for Danny's seat. I'm still undecided. His shoes will be hard to fill!
Many have asked, and some have assumed, that I will run for Danny's seat. I'm still undecided. His shoes will be hard to fill!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Update From Councilman Shortal; Search for Superintendent
I received the following update from Councilman Denis Shortal late last evening. The General has some interesting thoughts on a possible bond referendum that will increase our taxes by approximately 54 percent. I agree with the general. In this economy, I don't feel raising our taxes makes sense (it's rare when I ever think raising taxes is a good idea). Yes, I want improved parks too, but on top of all the other tax increases that are about to hit, I sincerely hope Dunwoody doesn't decide to join the party! According to the General, of the bond money raised, $55 million will go to directly to interest in paying off the bond. I don't think that's the best use of our tax dollars. Let's continue to treat every tax dollar like it is precious.
Good evening my fellow citizens. The following are some items of interesting on what is going on in our City:
1. Paving ..... Always a good topic ... that is as long as we continue to pave. The paving bid is out and bids are due in next week to the city. We should vote on the final contract in July with the objective to start the paving process in early August. The August start date is to coincide with our first payment of our property tax but as current being discussed by DC the first payment date maybe delayed until SEP 30th. I have been assured that we will be able to bridge that time gap. For traffic reasons, if possible, we would like to have most of the main roads on the paving list paved prior to school starting .. of course weather is always a factor we can't control. As in the passed our policy is to spend approx. 75% of the paving budget on the main roads with the rest use to pave neighborhood streets. Like last year, some of our budget will be use to do "major patching" like we did on Ashford Center Parkway last year. By doing major patching we can increase the number of streets that we can bring up to a good standard vs completely paving a lessor number of streets. Remember that during the paving there will be some traffic delays / interruptions so some patience will be required.
2. Sidewalks .... The preliminary plan for the sidewalks on Valley View (from Ashford Dunwoody Rd to Ashford Chase) and for Happy Hollow are complete and the cost estimates should be complete within the week. Once we get the cost estimates we will compare this with the budgeted funds. We are operating under the assumption that we have adequate funding for at least these two projects ... and hopefully more. These are two busy streets that have a very high priority for sidewalks as they do not have a sidewalk on either side of the street. The high priority for sidewalk installation are major streets without a sidewalk on either side. Safe Routes to Schools remains at the top of the list and again this year we have applied for a Federal Safe Routes to School Grant like the one we received last year for the Kingsley School area. On a side note, I have contacted Sandy Springs and they have budgeted this year for their portion of the sidewalks on Spalding Dr that will connect with our sidewalks thus giving us a continuous sidewalk along Spalding Dr. for the folks on the western side of our city.
3. City Creation Suit ... As you know earlier this year a group filed suit against the State of Georgia to dissolve the city charters of Sandy Springs, Chattahoochee Hills, Johns Creek, Milton and Dunwoody. The suit was filed vs the State of Georgia because all of these cities were created by legislation by the State of GA. This week the Georgia Attorney General filed a motion to dismiss the suit .... stay tuned.
4. Stripping the Streets ..... Over the past two weeks you should have noticed our crews repainting road stripping, school markings, etc. Like all of our projects this task in contracted out and to gain some economy of cost we wait until we have several project to do until contracting this work out. We did not do any stripping on the streets that are scheduled for paving this year as these streets will be stripped as part of the paving project/cost.
5. 911 Fees ... As you know on 1 OCT 2011 we will switch from DC to Chat Com for our 911 service ... an item I opposed due to the estimated $1.1 to $1.8 additional three year cost to the city (General, I whole-heartedly agree). That being what it is ... it is now more important than ever to ensure that the 911 Fees on your phone statements - landline, cellphones, Voice over Internet, etc. - are going to the proper agency. Please check your phone. etc. statements and under "Government Fees & Taxes" it should currently note "DeKalb County-911 Tax" (on 1 OCT 2011 this should automatically change to Dunwoody-911 Tax) followed by a dollar amount. If your statement currently denotes anything other than "DeKalb County-911 Tax" please call your provider and get this changed. Friends of mine have noted Sandy Springs-911 Tax or Fulton County-911 Tax on their statements even though they live in Dunwoody .... we will need every penny we can get starting 1 OCT to pay for the additional cost of 911 services from Chat Com. Thanks for taking care of this matter.
6. City Service Providers .... As I am writing this our committee is interviewing firms that have bid on the contracts to provide the "City Services" for the next four years starting at the end on this year. As you all know we selected the public privatization form of government which basically means, except for police and about eight full time city employees, all the city services are preformed by multiple contract vendors. I think for efficiency and cost this form of government has proven highly effective and is now being copied by surrounding cities. The final vote on the vendors should come at our July 25th meeting.
7. Meeting Schedule Change .... The meeting regular scheduled for 27 JUN has been moved to 20 JUN starting @ 6 PM as I and a couple of others will be attending the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) Annual Convention from 25 - 28 JUN. I will be taking a couple of classes on Municipal Finance so I should return full of all kinds of great knowledge.
8. Important Class Date .... On 18 AUG 2011 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Lt Oliver Fladrich, of our police department, will teach a class entitled "Situational Awareness." This is a class on how to keep yourself, your Family and your belongings safe in todays world. Meredy and I have taken this class and we both highly recommend you putting this on your calendar as a "must do." To register go to the following website .... ..... you will be glad that you attended this class. The real kicker is that there is no test at the end of the class and Lt Fladrich is a very good speaker and entertainer.
9. Public Schools .... The quality of our schools are the most important factor in bringing quality new families and businesses to our City as well as protecting our property values. Our DC School Board Representative ... Ms. Nancy Jester .... is doing an outstanding job of representing the citizens and more importantly the children of Dunwoody and DC. She faces a difficult task in trying to change the "ingrained establishment" of the DC School System (DCSS). She can use all the support we can give her as she gives her max effort to enhance our public schools for the betterment of our community and our children. If you have been following the political tones over the last few months during the search for a new superintendent for the DCSS you probably share my embarrassment on how some very outstanding candidates have been treated. Recommend you contact Nancy at and offer her your support and help.
10. Dunwoody Parks and Possible Bond Referendum ..... At our meeting this last Monday night the Master Parks Plan (MPP) was passed by your City Council. I voted against the MPP because I think we can have great parks for a lot less money. Several times during the MPP debate I requested a "line item scrub" of the MPP to bring the cost into reality. According to the latest numbers the approx. cost of the entire MPP is $59 million ... if it with-stands the scrutiny of future city councils. That is a huge figure for a city with an approx. $18 million budget. Add to this that we are currently living in the worst economic times of any of our lives in our Nation ... highlighted by the fact that our home values have decreased by approx. 30%. The next issue is the possible Parks Bond Referendum which we will be voting on at one of our near future meetings so it can be included on the November ballot. As currently discussed, these referendum will include a city tax increase of .75 mils for park acquisition and an additional tax increase of .75 mils for park development. This increase represents a tax increase of approx. 27% for each .75 mil increase or a total city increase tax of approx. 54% for both increases. The total debt would be approx. $66 million in principal for both increases plus an additional approx. $55 million in interest .... this is all figured over a 30 year period. When I campaigned for city-hood and when I campaigned for City Council I promised that I would work to keep your taxes low. I don't consider a 27% or 54% tax increase "keeping your taxes low." To make it clear where I stand on all this .... I will vote in favor of putting this on the NOV ballot so the the citizens can vote on the referendums as I have more faith in the citizenry than in government but ... I will personally oppose and vote against both referendums on the NOV ballot. More details to follow later.
11. I close tonight with two safety issues .... (1) Please do not ever leave anything of value insight in your car ..... it will save you a lot heartaches and reduce our crime rate. We continue to have numerous car break-ins that are easily preventable and (2) If a policeman is attempting to pull you over and you are in an unsafe area .... turn on your emergency flashers, drive no faster than the speed limit and pull over at the first lighted safe area you see.
12. One more item .... See you all at the "Second Greatest Show on Earth" ... the Dunwoody July 4th Independence Day Parade. Bring your friends and Family. My thanks to Pam Tallmadge and the hundreds of volunteers that organize the largest Independence Day Parade in the State of Georgia! Hint ... you may have a chance to dunk someone after the Parade!
12. That is all for tonight. Please pass this on to your friends, neighbors, members of your HOA and /or anyone that you think maybe interested. Thanks for your continued support and involvement in our City .... it is totally impressive.
Let Us Continue To Build Our City Together
Denny Shortal
Dunwoody City Council, District One, Post-1 Mayor Pro Tem PH (O) 678-382-6700 (C) 678-246-9006
DeKalb's Search for a Superintendent
By Jaime Sarrio
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
DeKalb County is moving forward with the search for a new school superintendent, despite concerns from board members that the district is now "radioactive" to potential candidates.
Last week, Dunwoody school board representative Nancy Jester sent out an email on behalf of herself and board members Don McChesney, Pam Speaks and Paul Womack, saying recent confidentiality leaks had damaged the district's ability to attract candidates.
"We are convinced that the latest leak has made DeKalb radioactive to potential candidates," they wrote. "These actions have damaged the students, employees and the taxpayers of DeKalb County."
To read full story, click DeKalb's Search for Superintendent.
Good evening my fellow citizens. The following are some items of interesting on what is going on in our City:
1. Paving ..... Always a good topic ... that is as long as we continue to pave. The paving bid is out and bids are due in next week to the city. We should vote on the final contract in July with the objective to start the paving process in early August. The August start date is to coincide with our first payment of our property tax but as current being discussed by DC the first payment date maybe delayed until SEP 30th. I have been assured that we will be able to bridge that time gap. For traffic reasons, if possible, we would like to have most of the main roads on the paving list paved prior to school starting .. of course weather is always a factor we can't control. As in the passed our policy is to spend approx. 75% of the paving budget on the main roads with the rest use to pave neighborhood streets. Like last year, some of our budget will be use to do "major patching" like we did on Ashford Center Parkway last year. By doing major patching we can increase the number of streets that we can bring up to a good standard vs completely paving a lessor number of streets. Remember that during the paving there will be some traffic delays / interruptions so some patience will be required.
2. Sidewalks .... The preliminary plan for the sidewalks on Valley View (from Ashford Dunwoody Rd to Ashford Chase) and for Happy Hollow are complete and the cost estimates should be complete within the week. Once we get the cost estimates we will compare this with the budgeted funds. We are operating under the assumption that we have adequate funding for at least these two projects ... and hopefully more. These are two busy streets that have a very high priority for sidewalks as they do not have a sidewalk on either side of the street. The high priority for sidewalk installation are major streets without a sidewalk on either side. Safe Routes to Schools remains at the top of the list and again this year we have applied for a Federal Safe Routes to School Grant like the one we received last year for the Kingsley School area. On a side note, I have contacted Sandy Springs and they have budgeted this year for their portion of the sidewalks on Spalding Dr that will connect with our sidewalks thus giving us a continuous sidewalk along Spalding Dr. for the folks on the western side of our city.
3. City Creation Suit ... As you know earlier this year a group filed suit against the State of Georgia to dissolve the city charters of Sandy Springs, Chattahoochee Hills, Johns Creek, Milton and Dunwoody. The suit was filed vs the State of Georgia because all of these cities were created by legislation by the State of GA. This week the Georgia Attorney General filed a motion to dismiss the suit .... stay tuned.
4. Stripping the Streets ..... Over the past two weeks you should have noticed our crews repainting road stripping, school markings, etc. Like all of our projects this task in contracted out and to gain some economy of cost we wait until we have several project to do until contracting this work out. We did not do any stripping on the streets that are scheduled for paving this year as these streets will be stripped as part of the paving project/cost.
5. 911 Fees ... As you know on 1 OCT 2011 we will switch from DC to Chat Com for our 911 service ... an item I opposed due to the estimated $1.1 to $1.8 additional three year cost to the city (General, I whole-heartedly agree). That being what it is ... it is now more important than ever to ensure that the 911 Fees on your phone statements - landline, cellphones, Voice over Internet, etc. - are going to the proper agency. Please check your phone. etc. statements and under "Government Fees & Taxes" it should currently note "DeKalb County-911 Tax" (on 1 OCT 2011 this should automatically change to Dunwoody-911 Tax) followed by a dollar amount. If your statement currently denotes anything other than "DeKalb County-911 Tax" please call your provider and get this changed. Friends of mine have noted Sandy Springs-911 Tax or Fulton County-911 Tax on their statements even though they live in Dunwoody .... we will need every penny we can get starting 1 OCT to pay for the additional cost of 911 services from Chat Com. Thanks for taking care of this matter.
6. City Service Providers .... As I am writing this our committee is interviewing firms that have bid on the contracts to provide the "City Services" for the next four years starting at the end on this year. As you all know we selected the public privatization form of government which basically means, except for police and about eight full time city employees, all the city services are preformed by multiple contract vendors. I think for efficiency and cost this form of government has proven highly effective and is now being copied by surrounding cities. The final vote on the vendors should come at our July 25th meeting.
7. Meeting Schedule Change .... The meeting regular scheduled for 27 JUN has been moved to 20 JUN starting @ 6 PM as I and a couple of others will be attending the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) Annual Convention from 25 - 28 JUN. I will be taking a couple of classes on Municipal Finance so I should return full of all kinds of great knowledge.
8. Important Class Date .... On 18 AUG 2011 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Lt Oliver Fladrich, of our police department, will teach a class entitled "Situational Awareness." This is a class on how to keep yourself, your Family and your belongings safe in todays world. Meredy and I have taken this class and we both highly recommend you putting this on your calendar as a "must do." To register go to the following website .... ..... you will be glad that you attended this class. The real kicker is that there is no test at the end of the class and Lt Fladrich is a very good speaker and entertainer.
9. Public Schools .... The quality of our schools are the most important factor in bringing quality new families and businesses to our City as well as protecting our property values. Our DC School Board Representative ... Ms. Nancy Jester .... is doing an outstanding job of representing the citizens and more importantly the children of Dunwoody and DC. She faces a difficult task in trying to change the "ingrained establishment" of the DC School System (DCSS). She can use all the support we can give her as she gives her max effort to enhance our public schools for the betterment of our community and our children. If you have been following the political tones over the last few months during the search for a new superintendent for the DCSS you probably share my embarrassment on how some very outstanding candidates have been treated. Recommend you contact Nancy at and offer her your support and help.
10. Dunwoody Parks and Possible Bond Referendum ..... At our meeting this last Monday night the Master Parks Plan (MPP) was passed by your City Council. I voted against the MPP because I think we can have great parks for a lot less money. Several times during the MPP debate I requested a "line item scrub" of the MPP to bring the cost into reality. According to the latest numbers the approx. cost of the entire MPP is $59 million ... if it with-stands the scrutiny of future city councils. That is a huge figure for a city with an approx. $18 million budget. Add to this that we are currently living in the worst economic times of any of our lives in our Nation ... highlighted by the fact that our home values have decreased by approx. 30%. The next issue is the possible Parks Bond Referendum which we will be voting on at one of our near future meetings so it can be included on the November ballot. As currently discussed, these referendum will include a city tax increase of .75 mils for park acquisition and an additional tax increase of .75 mils for park development. This increase represents a tax increase of approx. 27% for each .75 mil increase or a total city increase tax of approx. 54% for both increases. The total debt would be approx. $66 million in principal for both increases plus an additional approx. $55 million in interest .... this is all figured over a 30 year period. When I campaigned for city-hood and when I campaigned for City Council I promised that I would work to keep your taxes low. I don't consider a 27% or 54% tax increase "keeping your taxes low." To make it clear where I stand on all this .... I will vote in favor of putting this on the NOV ballot so the the citizens can vote on the referendums as I have more faith in the citizenry than in government but ... I will personally oppose and vote against both referendums on the NOV ballot. More details to follow later.
11. I close tonight with two safety issues .... (1) Please do not ever leave anything of value insight in your car ..... it will save you a lot heartaches and reduce our crime rate. We continue to have numerous car break-ins that are easily preventable and (2) If a policeman is attempting to pull you over and you are in an unsafe area .... turn on your emergency flashers, drive no faster than the speed limit and pull over at the first lighted safe area you see.
12. One more item .... See you all at the "Second Greatest Show on Earth" ... the Dunwoody July 4th Independence Day Parade. Bring your friends and Family. My thanks to Pam Tallmadge and the hundreds of volunteers that organize the largest Independence Day Parade in the State of Georgia! Hint ... you may have a chance to dunk someone after the Parade!
12. That is all for tonight. Please pass this on to your friends, neighbors, members of your HOA and /or anyone that you think maybe interested. Thanks for your continued support and involvement in our City .... it is totally impressive.
Let Us Continue To Build Our City Together
Denny Shortal
Dunwoody City Council, District One, Post-1 Mayor Pro Tem PH (O) 678-382-6700 (C) 678-246-9006
DeKalb's Search for a Superintendent
By Jaime Sarrio
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
DeKalb County is moving forward with the search for a new school superintendent, despite concerns from board members that the district is now "radioactive" to potential candidates.
Last week, Dunwoody school board representative Nancy Jester sent out an email on behalf of herself and board members Don McChesney, Pam Speaks and Paul Womack, saying recent confidentiality leaks had damaged the district's ability to attract candidates.
"We are convinced that the latest leak has made DeKalb radioactive to potential candidates," they wrote. "These actions have damaged the students, employees and the taxpayers of DeKalb County."
To read full story, click DeKalb's Search for Superintendent.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
DeKalb Leak has Half of Board Furious; City Council Meeting
The following email was written by our DeKalb School Board representative Nancy Jester concerning the latest leak that may cost the county its most recent candidate for the vacant superintendent position. It is co-signed by fellow board members Don McChesney, Pam Speaks and Paul Womack (which leads me to believe it wasn't one of these four that leaked the name of the candidate). I can't imagine being on the board and having a fellow member sabotage the search like this. I would think a leak of this nature may even be an illegal offense. Love DeKalb County!!!
DeKalb Citizens,
I am writing on behalf of the DeKalb Board of Education members Don McChesney, Pam Speaks, Paul Womack and myself.
Unfortunately, on Friday, June 10, 2011, someone leaked information about the superintendent search process to the media. You can view the story by clicking here. The leak included the name of a candidate and violated confidentiality. Had this action not been taken, we would not be writing to you today. Everything that we are writing about is already available to the public.
We are writing because we feel compelled to set the record straight on this candidate. We ran for our positions to do something and not be something. We believe that we must hire a leader from outside of our system. This is not to say that we do not have capable people within our ranks. We have many wonderful employees. Unfortunately, we also have real structural impediments to success combined with a lack of public confidence and a myriad of perception problems.
When we began this process we thought that we were on our way to finding a qualified and dedicated professional. Our search firm provided us with a host of diverse and worthy candidates. As you know, our search has already been plagued by leaks that were purposefully made to undermine the will of the board and caused candidates to withdraw from consideration. This was a great loss for DeKalb from a superintendent perspective and it damaged our ability to attract candidates. We are convinced that the latest leak has made DeKalb radioactive to potential candidates. These actions have damaged the students, employees and the taxpayers of DeKalb County. Furthermore, they have potentially damaged a candidate who did nothing other than graciously accept our invitations to speak with us.
We want you to know that from the beginning, Dr. Duron emerged as our number one choice. It was abundantly clear to us that he had the temperament and experience to lead our district. We independently reviewed his record. We familiarized ourselves with the accountability standards in his state. We examined the population of his students. We read the impressive references that were written on his behalf.
We would like to set the record straight on Dr. Duron's record. His district has seen steady improvements under his leadership. He has even proved creative and resourceful in obtaining grant money for inventive ways to tackle achievement problems and re-purpose once closed schools. We have put together a PDF that you can download from the blog tab of Click here to go directly to the link. You will see that with a significantly poorer district, Dr. Duron has outperformed DeKalb with respect to AYP standards. In DeKalb (2010) we had 5 failing subgroups for AYP as a system. Dr. Duron's district had only 1 sub-group that failed.
There are some members of our board that would have you believe that Dr. Duron isn't a qualified candidate because his district received a label of "academically unacceptable" from the TEA. Please review the website PDF for clarity on this matter. You will note that Texas standards include a completion rate. Districts must track all students even if they leave your district and move out of the state or country. Each district is required to document that a student that leaves is enrolled in school elsewhere. SAISD missed their "completion rate" standard by 9 students that they were unable to locate. Please note that for the academic year that just ended, Dr. Duron's district is projected to meet this standard and receive the "academically acceptable" rating from the TEA. Again, you can see this documented in the PDF on my website.
We ask you to stand with us and support Dr. Duron. He is a qualified professional that will serve and represent our district well. He will bring accountability, ethics and innovation to DeKalb. We cannot wait. Our children cannot wait. If you agree with us, please email the board. Here are their addresses:
Thank you,
Nancy Jester
Don McChesney
Pam Speaks
Paul Womack
City Council Meeting
It was a spirited city council meeting last night with the park's master plan front and center, approved unanimously by the council. I really wanted to attend, but was unable. I tried to watch live (thanks to John Hengehan's magic, however there were microphone issues which made it difficult. For more, go to John's Dunwoody North site.
DeKalb Citizens,
I am writing on behalf of the DeKalb Board of Education members Don McChesney, Pam Speaks, Paul Womack and myself.
Unfortunately, on Friday, June 10, 2011, someone leaked information about the superintendent search process to the media. You can view the story by clicking here. The leak included the name of a candidate and violated confidentiality. Had this action not been taken, we would not be writing to you today. Everything that we are writing about is already available to the public.
We are writing because we feel compelled to set the record straight on this candidate. We ran for our positions to do something and not be something. We believe that we must hire a leader from outside of our system. This is not to say that we do not have capable people within our ranks. We have many wonderful employees. Unfortunately, we also have real structural impediments to success combined with a lack of public confidence and a myriad of perception problems.
When we began this process we thought that we were on our way to finding a qualified and dedicated professional. Our search firm provided us with a host of diverse and worthy candidates. As you know, our search has already been plagued by leaks that were purposefully made to undermine the will of the board and caused candidates to withdraw from consideration. This was a great loss for DeKalb from a superintendent perspective and it damaged our ability to attract candidates. We are convinced that the latest leak has made DeKalb radioactive to potential candidates. These actions have damaged the students, employees and the taxpayers of DeKalb County. Furthermore, they have potentially damaged a candidate who did nothing other than graciously accept our invitations to speak with us.
We want you to know that from the beginning, Dr. Duron emerged as our number one choice. It was abundantly clear to us that he had the temperament and experience to lead our district. We independently reviewed his record. We familiarized ourselves with the accountability standards in his state. We examined the population of his students. We read the impressive references that were written on his behalf.
We would like to set the record straight on Dr. Duron's record. His district has seen steady improvements under his leadership. He has even proved creative and resourceful in obtaining grant money for inventive ways to tackle achievement problems and re-purpose once closed schools. We have put together a PDF that you can download from the blog tab of Click here to go directly to the link. You will see that with a significantly poorer district, Dr. Duron has outperformed DeKalb with respect to AYP standards. In DeKalb (2010) we had 5 failing subgroups for AYP as a system. Dr. Duron's district had only 1 sub-group that failed.
There are some members of our board that would have you believe that Dr. Duron isn't a qualified candidate because his district received a label of "academically unacceptable" from the TEA. Please review the website PDF for clarity on this matter. You will note that Texas standards include a completion rate. Districts must track all students even if they leave your district and move out of the state or country. Each district is required to document that a student that leaves is enrolled in school elsewhere. SAISD missed their "completion rate" standard by 9 students that they were unable to locate. Please note that for the academic year that just ended, Dr. Duron's district is projected to meet this standard and receive the "academically acceptable" rating from the TEA. Again, you can see this documented in the PDF on my website.
We ask you to stand with us and support Dr. Duron. He is a qualified professional that will serve and represent our district well. He will bring accountability, ethics and innovation to DeKalb. We cannot wait. Our children cannot wait. If you agree with us, please email the board. Here are their addresses:
Thank you,
Nancy Jester
Don McChesney
Pam Speaks
Paul Womack
City Council Meeting
It was a spirited city council meeting last night with the park's master plan front and center, approved unanimously by the council. I really wanted to attend, but was unable. I tried to watch live (thanks to John Hengehan's magic, however there were microphone issues which made it difficult. For more, go to John's Dunwoody North site.
Monday, June 13, 2011
The agenda for tonight's city council meeting calls for discussion of Dunwoody's park plans. The question is not whether Dunwoody has enough park space or that the existing space needs improvements (the answer to both is a definitive YES), instead, the question becomes is now the time to ask citizens to pay more in city taxes to fund projects to remedy the situation? Remember, an additional city tax would be on top of a significant increase in county taxes and perhaps a doubling of our water bills (is there anyone else who would like to reach into my pocket? Oh, did I mention DeKalb County School System)?
Of course will all that said, there may never be a better time for the city to purchase land for future park space, as the price of real estate hits rock bottom. And not only would the purchase of land add to our much needed greenspace, but could prevent further over-contruction of apartments in Dunwoody (See City Purchases PVC Farm).
Clearly, council has a difficult decision. But ultimately the decision is likely to rest with the citizens of Dunwoody, as council appears set to put a referendum on the November ballot allowing us to decide.
Would you vote "yes" for such a referendum? Please cast your vote now (top left), and pass this along to your friends to allow them to vote.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Dunwoody Legislator is Honored; Real Estate Update
Three members of the Georgia General Assembly have been recognized by the Georgia Chamber for their commitment to the state’s business community. House Speaker David Ralston (Blue Ridge) and State Sen. John Bulloch (Ochlocknee) were named the Chamber’s 2011 Legislators of the Year in the state House and Senate respectively. Earning the Chamber’s Freshman of the Year Award was first-year State Rep. Tom Taylor (Dunwoody).
Taylor earned an ‘A+’ grade on the Chamber scorecard in his first term representing Georgia’s 79th House district in DeKalb County. He was the only House member to vote with the Chamber 100 percent of the time in the 2011 session. He currently sits on the House Economic Development and Tourism, Regulated Industries, and MARTA Oversight committees. Taylor is a former Dunwoody city councilman which oversaw the new city’s startup organization and expanded services over its first 3 years without raising any taxes or fees. Taylor has previously held multiple leadership positions in Dunwoody and DeKalb County and enjoyed a successful career in the private sector. He also served a total of 21 years of active and reserve service with the U.S. Navy.
June Real Estate Update
The U.S. housing market continues its gradual and uneven progress, despite the expiration of the home buyer tax credit. The remarkable rebound in housing activities from the initial drop following the end of the home buyer tax credit this past July adds to the belief that the risk of a double-dip downturn in housing may be disappearing.
As the housing market continues to work through the excess supply overhang, a result from the glut of foreclosed properties which is keeping home prices below their long-term trend growth, economists anticipate mortgage rates at or above 6% by the end of 2012 and expect buying activity to continue its upward momentum.
Supporting this view is the rising concern about inflationary pressures sparked by political unrest in the Middle East. While surging gas and food prices could prove transitory and pose no major threats, these price increases may weigh down consumer spending, which accounts for two thirds of the economy. While, the Federal Reserve is committed to making necessary policy changes to address such risks. Meanwhile, core price gains, excluding food and fuel, were modest in April, offering some relief to consumers.
As the economy improves, stimulus efforts by the government and the Fed is expected to gradually wind down, which typically spurs rising interest rates to keep inflation in check. Meanwhile, buyers continue to benefit from historically favorable buying conditions and sellers are encouraged by increased market stability.
To read more click on Bob Fiscella's June Update.
Taylor earned an ‘A+’ grade on the Chamber scorecard in his first term representing Georgia’s 79th House district in DeKalb County. He was the only House member to vote with the Chamber 100 percent of the time in the 2011 session. He currently sits on the House Economic Development and Tourism, Regulated Industries, and MARTA Oversight committees. Taylor is a former Dunwoody city councilman which oversaw the new city’s startup organization and expanded services over its first 3 years without raising any taxes or fees. Taylor has previously held multiple leadership positions in Dunwoody and DeKalb County and enjoyed a successful career in the private sector. He also served a total of 21 years of active and reserve service with the U.S. Navy.
June Real Estate Update
The U.S. housing market continues its gradual and uneven progress, despite the expiration of the home buyer tax credit. The remarkable rebound in housing activities from the initial drop following the end of the home buyer tax credit this past July adds to the belief that the risk of a double-dip downturn in housing may be disappearing.
As the housing market continues to work through the excess supply overhang, a result from the glut of foreclosed properties which is keeping home prices below their long-term trend growth, economists anticipate mortgage rates at or above 6% by the end of 2012 and expect buying activity to continue its upward momentum.
Supporting this view is the rising concern about inflationary pressures sparked by political unrest in the Middle East. While surging gas and food prices could prove transitory and pose no major threats, these price increases may weigh down consumer spending, which accounts for two thirds of the economy. While, the Federal Reserve is committed to making necessary policy changes to address such risks. Meanwhile, core price gains, excluding food and fuel, were modest in April, offering some relief to consumers.
As the economy improves, stimulus efforts by the government and the Fed is expected to gradually wind down, which typically spurs rising interest rates to keep inflation in check. Meanwhile, buyers continue to benefit from historically favorable buying conditions and sellers are encouraged by increased market stability.
To read more click on Bob Fiscella's June Update.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Former DHS Star has Florida on Verge of College World Series; Odds & Ends
The Florida Gators face Mississippi State on Sunday with the winner advancing to the College World Series. If the Gators get there, a big pat on the back goes to former Dunwoody High School star pitcher Hudson Randall. The sophomore was the ace of Florida's pitching staff, going 10-3 with a 2.29 ERA. He was the winning pitcher in Friday night's victory over Mississippi St. in the opener of their Super Regional series in Gainesville, Florida, with the print edition of the Atlanta Journal Constitution splashing a picture and story of Randall on page 2 of its sports section.
Tootsie Roll Drive Helping People with Intellectual Disabilities
Will Another Leak Prevent DeKalb from Hiring Superintendent?
Another leak may cost DeKalb County it's latest choice for a superintendent. For more, read the DeKalb County School Watch blog and Dunwoody Talk. And the beat goes on ...
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Meet Mike Davis, Candidate for Mayor
Normally my kids would not be too thrilled to meet a candidate for mayor of Dunwoody (alright Ken, they were excited when they met you)! But tonight was an easy sell. When I told them Mike Davis was launching his campaign this evening at 7:30pm at Village Burger, and that VB's fabulous frozen custard was on him, they said "we're so there, Dad!" Hopefully Mike's invitation to complimentary custard is not limited to registered voters. If so, Jack and Danielle will take a pass. Sorry.
What kind of mayor would/will Mike make? In truth, I can't answer that question. My only direct contact with Mike was a year ago when my Knights of Columbus council was selling hot dogs and brats at the Dunwoody Music Festival. Somehow, Mike got my name and gave me a call saying he had 300 hot dogs left over from a St.Jude function, would I like them (no the hot dogs had not been sitting for hours on the grill, instead they were in unopened packages)? Of course my answer was a definitive YES! True to his word, Mike showed up the first morning of the music festival and deliver 300 hot dogs (by the way, all of them were sold - our favorite charities like the Elaine Clark Center and I-CARE were very grateful). I didn't get to spend much time with Mike that day, but I'm looking forward to hearing his thoughts on Dunwoody tonight.
What kind of mayor would/will Mike make? In truth, I can't answer that question. My only direct contact with Mike was a year ago when my Knights of Columbus council was selling hot dogs and brats at the Dunwoody Music Festival. Somehow, Mike got my name and gave me a call saying he had 300 hot dogs left over from a St.Jude function, would I like them (no the hot dogs had not been sitting for hours on the grill, instead they were in unopened packages)? Of course my answer was a definitive YES! True to his word, Mike showed up the first morning of the music festival and deliver 300 hot dogs (by the way, all of them were sold - our favorite charities like the Elaine Clark Center and I-CARE were very grateful). I didn't get to spend much time with Mike that day, but I'm looking forward to hearing his thoughts on Dunwoody tonight.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sadly, D-Day Loses Its Impact
Monday came and went with little fanfare. Which is a shame. Monday was the 67th anniversary of D-Day, a day in which 9,000 Allied soldiers, mostly Americans, selflessly lost their lives while storming the beaches of Normandy. Many never even had a fighting chance. Despite the heavy human losses, the successful invasion was the turning point in the war; clearly the springboard to victory in Europe (click on the photo above for an amazing slide show of the invasion).
The premise of the film Saving Private Ryan is rather ridiculous (so said an old friend of mine who served in General Patton's 3rd Army in Europe); putting the lives of eight soldiers on the line in persuit of finding one. But the film's scenes from Omaha Beach are chilling. Click on the photo below to watch. America owes these men a debt that can never be repaid.
Monday, June 6, 2011
News from Sunday Night's DHA Meeting

While Dallas said that transportation and parks were of utmost importance, Sibold stressed how Dunwoody needed to be business-friendly.
Current mayor Ken Wright is stepping down in November when his term expires.
Folks have asked me if I am considering running for city council again (I ran, unsuccessfully I might add, in 2008). The answer is yes, I am considering it, but have not made a final determination. Serving on the council is a huge commitment - hats off to those that do!
The DHA announced is it adding a "Dunk Tank" to the closing ceremonies at the 4th of July parade. The Tank proved popular at Lemonade Days. Already Dallas, Councilmen John Heneghan and Doug Thompson plus Dunwoody farmer Bob Lundsten have graciously agreed to be dunked. All proceeds will go to a patriotic charity yet to be determined.
Are you ready for a second Walmart in Dunwoody? Ready or not, Walmart is opening a second store within the borders of the city (thanks to the comment from Chip, the Walmart is actually in Gwinnett, just across the Dunwoody border). However, it will not be your typical 100,000 square-foot Supercenter. Instead, it will be a 40,000 square-foot Neighborhood Market (similar to the one pictured). The location of the store will be at the corner of Peeler Rd. and Winters Chapel Rd. - formerly the site of an Hispanic grocery store, Wayland Foods and Piggly Wiggly.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Soap Box Derby, DHA Agenda
Dunwoody's Soap Box Derby is Saturday morning/afternoon at First Baptist Church of Atlanta at the corner of N.Peachtree Rd. and I-285. For more information, click on the image below.
The Dunwoody Homeowner's Association's June meeting is 7:30pm, Sunday at the Cultural Arts Center next to the library. Click on the image below for the complete agenda. Among the topics: discussion for a candidate forum for the November elections, and the addition of a Dunk Tank for the 4th of July parade!
The Dunwoody Homeowner's Association's June meeting is 7:30pm, Sunday at the Cultural Arts Center next to the library. Click on the image below for the complete agenda. Among the topics: discussion for a candidate forum for the November elections, and the addition of a Dunk Tank for the 4th of July parade!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Dunwoody Home Prices Continue to Fall
In case you didn't see the article below in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on Wednesday, home prices in the metro Atlanta area continue to drop. While the article suggest that pricing is at 1999 levels, there's more to it than that. Because the sale of homes under $200,000 is dominating the market, it naturally draws the average sales price down. And while the median sales price in Dunwoody is down substancially, it is not at 1999 levels (please, take another breath)!
To view all of the homes for sale in Dunwoody in the 30338 and 30360 zip codes, please click on the first link below (the second link is a line item of all the active listings).
Buyer Report
CMA Line Report
Report: Atlanta home prices at 1999 levels
By Rachel Tobin
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Home prices in metro Atlanta fell in March to the lowest level since late 1999, weighed down by the effect of foreclosures and a backlog of unsold properties, according to a widely watched index released Tuesday.
The region’s decline mirrors a stubbornly deteriorating national housing picture despite the slow economic recovery, the latest Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller Index said.
“This month’s report is marked by confirmation of a double-dip in home prices across much of the nation,” said David Blitzer, chairman of S&P’s index committee. “Home prices continue on their downward spiral with no relief in sight.”
Prices staged a mild rebound in most markets a year ago but have reversed course since federal tax credits expired. Sales volume also is down from a year ago.
Click Report: Atlanta home prices at 1999 levels to read full story.
Sandy Springs Drops CH2M Hill
Interesting read in the Dunwoody Reporter about Sandy Springs dropping service provider CH2M Hill because of price and the fact that the city didn't know, exactly, how its money was being spent. Remember, CH2M Hill made a big pitch to Dunwoody three years ago. One of the best decisions the mayor and city council made was to stay clear of the company, if for no other reason than cost.
To view all of the homes for sale in Dunwoody in the 30338 and 30360 zip codes, please click on the first link below (the second link is a line item of all the active listings).
Buyer Report
CMA Line Report
Report: Atlanta home prices at 1999 levels
By Rachel Tobin
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Home prices in metro Atlanta fell in March to the lowest level since late 1999, weighed down by the effect of foreclosures and a backlog of unsold properties, according to a widely watched index released Tuesday.
The region’s decline mirrors a stubbornly deteriorating national housing picture despite the slow economic recovery, the latest Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller Index said.
“This month’s report is marked by confirmation of a double-dip in home prices across much of the nation,” said David Blitzer, chairman of S&P’s index committee. “Home prices continue on their downward spiral with no relief in sight.”
Prices staged a mild rebound in most markets a year ago but have reversed course since federal tax credits expired. Sales volume also is down from a year ago.
Click Report: Atlanta home prices at 1999 levels to read full story.
Sandy Springs Drops CH2M Hill
Interesting read in the Dunwoody Reporter about Sandy Springs dropping service provider CH2M Hill because of price and the fact that the city didn't know, exactly, how its money was being spent. Remember, CH2M Hill made a big pitch to Dunwoody three years ago. One of the best decisions the mayor and city council made was to stay clear of the company, if for no other reason than cost.
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